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Upcoming events

    • 03 Mar 2025
    • 31 Mar 2025
    • 5 sessions
    • In-Person and Online

    Begin your day with a calm mind and a clear awareness by joining us for morning meditation, in-person or online (Zoom links below). We begin with a guided meditation to relax and settle in, sitting for 25 minutes. We then do 10 minutes of walking meditation, followed by another 25 minutes of mostly silent meditation. You are welcome to join for all or any part of the hour.

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    Zoom Information - FCM's Sangha line

    Video Link:

    Passcode: if needed, is metta


    • 29 Mar 2025
    • 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • In-Person

    Members and non-members are invited to join the FCM community in selfless service and work meditation Saturday, March 29 by participating in this Saturday's workday!

    We will begin the day together meeting under the pergola located between the Education Building and Great Cloud in preparation for our mindful work, with an orientation by work day leaders. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks in need of our joyful attention. Please wear old clothes, sturdy closed-toe shoes and bring work gloves if you have them. Snacks and water will be provided.

    We encourage everyone to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person on our campus. Our safety protocols are based on CDC recommendations. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    With metta,


    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • In-Person and Online

    Sunday Morning Meditation and Dharma Talk is offered each Sunday at the Tampa Practice Center, in-person and online via Zoom for all.

    We encourage everyone, especially those in the Tampa Bay Area, to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 9:15 am.

    The Online Zoom option is available for both members and nonmembers.

    Zoom Links:

    Video Link

    By Phone: Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656

    Meeting ID# 329 624 3465
    Passcode: metta

    Before attending for the first time, we encourage you to click here for more helpful information.

    We invite everyone, especially newcomers to stay for tea following Sunday Meditation and Dharma Talk on Zoom or in-person.

    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • In-Person

    Naples Sangha meets in person every Sunday 6:00-8:00 at Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Naples FL 34112

    We encourage participants to experience the richness of practicing together, in person, following our FCM Health Protocols. These gatherings provide participants the opportunity for sitting and walking meditation, Dharma sharing, and establishing and re-establishing Sangha friendships.

    For more information, contact Brandy at

    Please join us!

    • 31 Mar 2025
    • 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM
    • In-Person, Lotus Hall

    Mindful Yoga is a gentle yoga class in which students will be guided through a series of postures which may be seated, reclined, or standing. The class will move at a slow pace, with clear instruction of each posture and the breath. The course aims to empower, draw the attention inward, and develop body awareness. We offer a safe, effective, compassionate, non-competitive environment that is welcoming to all. No prior yoga experience required. Also, flexibility, balance, and strength are outcomes of a yoga practice and not prerequisites to begin.

    We will be meeting in-person at 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604. The Lotus Hall is located in our Education Building. From the parking lot please enter the wooden gate to the left of the main building when facing it, and follow the pavers to the first building in back.

    Students should bring a yoga mat. Suggested donation for the class is $10. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    Evelyn Greenfield graduated from the Florida Institute for integrative yoga studies, in 2002. She is certified as a teacher for back care and scoliosis, is a 500 ERYT, YACEP and has been teaching for over 20 years. Evelyn has two sons, four granddaughters and two dogs.

    Sharen Lock is a certified Yoga Therapist with training in mindfulness-based applications for healthcare. She fell in love with Yoga back in 1987 in England and is dedicated to making it simple and accessible so that anyone can participate. Sharen re-joined the Florida Community of Mindfulness in February, 2024 and looks forward to offering Yoga to the community. 

    • 31 Mar 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • In-Person, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604

    Please join Meditation in Recovery to learn more about incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life. These easy-to-understand practices will help cultivate a rich and rewarding spiritual life to support your recovery practice. People practicing meditation and mindfulness report reduced stress, greater peace, clarity, and happiness. They also sleep better and have an increased ability to concentrate.

    Everyone is welcome, whether or not you belong to a 12-step program or other Recovery Group. Your addictions and cravings may be from substances such as alcohol and drugs or process addictions such as food and eating disorders, shopping, unwholesome use of technology such as social media and gaming, gambling, sex, co-dependency, and many others.  

    The groups will be led by facilitators with a foundation in both meditation and recovery. If you have questions, please contact Eleanor at

    • 01 Apr 2025
    • 29 Apr 2025
    • 5 sessions
    • In-Person and Online

    Begin your day with a calm mind and a clear awareness by joining us for morning meditation, in-person or online (Zoom links below). We begin with a guided meditation to relax and settle in, sitting for 25 minutes. We then do 10 minutes of walking meditation, followed by another 25 minutes of mostly silent meditation. You are welcome to join for all or any part of the hour.

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    Zoom Information - FCM's Sangha line

    Video Link:

    Passcode: if needed, is metta


    • 01 Apr 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Online (for all)

    Please join Meditation in Recovery to learn more about incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life. These easy-to-understand practices will help cultivate a rich and rewarding spiritual life to support your recovery practice. People practicing meditation and mindfulness report reduced stress, greater peace, clarity, and happiness. They also sleep better and have an increased ability to concentrate.

    Everyone is welcome, whether or not you belong to a 12-step program or other Recovery Group. Your addictions and cravings may be from substances such as alcohol and drugs or process addictions such as food and eating disorders, shopping, unwholesome use of technology such as social media and gaming, gambling, sex, co-dependency, and many others.  

    ZOOMPlease join us online five minutes before the start at 6:30 pm.

    Video Link


    Dial-In #: 1-646-558-8656

    Meeting ID #: 860 7474 0220

    If you have any questions please contact Eleanor at 

    • 02 Apr 2025
    • 30 Apr 2025
    • 5 sessions
    • In-Person and Online

    Begin your day with a calm mind and a clear awareness by joining us for morning meditation, in-person or online (Zoom links below). We begin with a guided meditation to relax and settle in, sitting for 25 minutes. We then do 10 minutes of walking meditation, followed by another 25 minutes of mostly silent meditation. You are welcome to join for all or any part of the hour.

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    Zoom Information - FCM's Sangha line

    Video Link:

    Passcode: if needed, is metta


    • 02 Apr 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • In-Person

    Want less stress and more energy? If so, please join us for Qigong and Tai Chi with David Braasch.

    We will be meeting every Wednesday at the Florida Community of Mindfulness, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 3360, in the main meditation hall. Please enter the double doors facing Lambright Street, and if possible, arrive a few minutes early between 5:45 - 6:00 pm.

    No registration and no fee, although dana is appreciated. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    David Braasch has been a student of mindfulness and meditation at the Florida Community of Mindfulness since 2015, where he has taught Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation, Buddhism: The Basics, and Mindfulness for Educators. He has been a student of Tai Chi, Aikido, and is a certified Qigong teacher under Holden Qigong of Santa Cruz, CA.

    • 02 Apr 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Online (FCM members)

    Please note: FCM Members can access the Death Cafe web page and the Zoom links by clicking here.

    Awareness of death and its inevitability is a key part of our Buddhist practice and yet the awareness often fades into the background with our busy lives. Death Cafes at FCM will be monthly drop-in opportunities to talk with other FCM members about death and dying. They will be held on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm via Zoom.

    Participating in Death Cafes will help members deepen their personal awareness of death, normalize conversations about death within our community, and make it easier to talk with our families and friends about this “elephant in the living room” fact of life.

    Through deep sharing and listening and open ended discussion, we will be able to reflect on the subjects of impermanence and death, and talk about whatever is on our minds, including our concerns, fears, questions and insights surrounding the topic of end of life.

    Death Cafes have become a widespread phenomena in Europe, America and Australia. Based on the work of  Bernard Crettaz, a Swiss sociologist and anthropologist, and championed by Jon Underwood in England, the basic idea of Death Cafes is that it is extremely valuable to simply talk about death. One of our members, Marilyn Warlick will be the FCM Death Cafe facilitator. 

    The group will meet the first Wednesday of each month on Zoom. You can drop-in to a Death Cafe for a one time experience or plan to come each month to talk about the important topic of death and dying. Please note that the group gatherings are intended as discussion groups rather than as grief support or counseling sessions. Please join us!

    If you have any questions, please contact Marilyn at

    • 03 Apr 2025
    • In-Person (Staying at GCR)
    • 0
    Registration is closed

    Please make sure to register for Joyfully Together | FCM Mahasangha Gathering. This registration is for lodging only.

    April 3 - 6
    Registration Deadline: March 15

    FCM members residing outside of the Tampa Bay area and registered for the Mahasangha Gathering, may reserve a room at Great Cloud Refuge for the event. Available accommodations (double and triple occupancy) include Thursday (3 nights), Friday (2 nights), or Saturday (1 night).

    The cost per night is $35. We ask that you bring your own sheets and towels and self-clean your room (instructions will be provided) at check-out.


    • April 3: You are on your own for all meals.
    • April 4-5 (Mahasangha Gathering begins): FCM will provide a light breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
    • April 6: FCM will provide a light breakfast and lunch.

    For more information, please contact Liz at

    • 03 Apr 2025
    • 24 Apr 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • In-Person and Online

    Begin your day with a calm mind and a clear awareness by joining us for morning meditation, in-person or online (Zoom links below). We begin with a guided meditation to relax and settle in, sitting for 25 minutes. We then do 10 minutes of walking meditation, followed by another 25 minutes of mostly silent meditation. You are welcome to join for all or any part of the hour.

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    Zoom Information - FCM's Sangha line

    Video Link:

    Passcode: if needed, is metta


    • 03 Apr 2025
    • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
    • In-Person

    This weekly extended evening meditation is open to all. The evening will consist of two 35-minute sitting meditation periods, with formal walking meditation in-between. These extended meditation periods offer students the opportunity to deepen their practices of mindfulness, concentration and insight. 

    While meditation is occurring our teacher Fred, often offers private interviews in the Center's downstairs Interview Room to FCM members (those who have become Fred’s students) - please visit Membership for more information. Interviews are conducted in the Zen “dokusan" tradition – going alone to visit the teacher. No advance sign-up occurs for interviews; instead, students line up at the back of the meditation hall and the personal interviews unfold, one following the other, as time permits. The length of each interview may range from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the situation. Dokusan pertains to issues that arise in the student's personal meditation practice and their life experiences of integrating the teachings into their daily life, not with intellectual or theoretical matters. 

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


    • 04 Apr 2025
    • 25 Apr 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • In-Person and Online

    Begin your day with a calm mind and a clear awareness by joining us for morning meditation, in-person or online (Zoom links below). We begin with a guided meditation to relax and settle in, sitting for 25 minutes. We then do 10 minutes of walking meditation, followed by another 25 minutes of mostly silent meditation. You are welcome to join for all or any part of the hour.

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    Zoom Information - FCM's Sangha line

    Video Link:

    Passcode: if needed, is metta


    • 04 Apr 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 06 Apr 2025
    • In-Person
    • 0

    April 4 - 6
    Registration Deadline: March 15

    IMPORTANT: If you wish to register for lodging at Great Cloud, return to FCM calendar for that separate registration (April 3)

    Inviting All FCM Members!
    We warmly welcome all FCM members, new or old, to join us for this joyful gathering! Please register separately for each family member who will be attending. Members of your family who don't plan to attend the gathering but who would like to join us for the final lunch on Sunday are very welcome as well. There will be a spot on the registration form to indicate any family members joining us for the Sunday lunch.


    Our teacher Fred received Dharmacharya Ordination from Thich Nhat Hanh in 1994 and began the sitting group that became FCM in late 1994 - 30 years ago! We are very happy to invite you, members of the Florida Community of Mindfulness, to Joyfully Together, a celebration of FCM's 30 years of sangha, our 12 years at the FCM Tampa Center, and our teacher's 80th continuation day (March 27th). There is much to celebrate, and we look forward to spending time in community at the Tampa Center for the long weekend of April 4 to 6.

    We hope you can join us for as much of the weekend as possible. The agenda will include talks and sharing from Fred, story telling from the Jataka Tales by Fred's Dharma brother and award-winning author and storyteller Rafe Martin, panel discussions, Connection Fair, joyful learning workshops, selfless service and sharing in small groups, music (including a special concert on Saturday evening), dancing, art, games and lots of good food and fellowship!

    An information page (Click here) has been set up for Joyfully Together, so please check the page periodically for updated information. As you'll see from the Preliminary Overview Schedule that is linked on this page, this will be a largely non-silent gathering. This schedule will be updated as our agenda becomes more firm.


    Please select a registration type based on when you reasonably expect to arrive. This will help us to skillfully plan and offer nourishing meals for all, without waste. We will have gluten and soy free options, and will label ingredients (where practical). We are not able to accommodate other food allergens. Please note that we expect to serve dinners at 5:30 pm and lunches at 12:30. We are assuming that most participants will stay through lunch on Sunday, so are avoiding the additional complication of considering individual departure times.

    FCM is subsidizing a portion of the food and other costs of the gathering, reducing the cost to members. Should the cost for your expected arrival time be a burden for you for any reason, please simply contact Liz at and we'll adjust your fee. We want to support participation by everyone in the community!


    For those coming from out-of-town, you may register to stay at Great Cloud Refuge, subject to availability (GCR can accommodate up to 27). We'll do our best to help find lodging with FCM members for any overflow. (Click here)

    Contacts for More Information
    Please feel free to contact our Gathering Coordinator, Libby Dunn, at for more information. You may also contact Liz for any help with the registration process.

    • 04 Apr 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • In-Person

    Cancelled this week.

    Wake Up Tampa Bay is a mindfulness and meditation group for people 18 to 35. We meet twice a month on Fridays from 7:00pm to 8:30pm to practice meditation as well as to share about our engagement with the practices of mindfulness and Buddhist teachings in our lives. 

    We meet in the Education Building (Lotus Hall) at the FCM Tampa Practice center, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604. 

    Please feel comfortable coming late and leaving early as needed. 

    There is no charge for this event.

    *All Wake Up Tampa Bay events are alcohol, drug, and animal product free. Everyone aged 18 to 35 are welcome, but we ask that all who come do so with a clear mind and an open heart. Please leave cynicism and offensive speech at the door, and if you are intoxicated, we ask that you wait for another time to join us.

    If you have any questions please contact Nicholas Moore-LeFauve at and Gordana Krone at

    • 06 Apr 2025
    • 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM
    • In-Person (Lotus Hall)

    If you are new to FCM, please join us for a 45-minute Orientation for Newcomers which is offered the first Sunday of each month from 9:00 - 9:45 am. We want to get to know you, and answer any questions you may have about FCM and our programs, and ways to make your online meditation experience with FCM more valuable.

    We will be meeting at Florida Community of Mindfulness, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604. The Lotus Hall is located in our Education Building. From the parking lot please enter the wooden gate to the left of the main building when facing it, and follow the pavers to the first building in back. Please be sure to arrive a few minutes early between 8:15 - 8:30 am so that you can be seated and comfortable before we begin.

    No registration is required. 

    Our Sunday Sangha Meditation and Dharma Talk will be in Mediation Hall from 9:30 am - 11:30 am.

    If you have any questions, please contact Dani at

    • 06 Apr 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • In-Person and Online

    Sunday Morning Meditation and Dharma Talk is offered each Sunday at the Tampa Practice Center, in-person and online via Zoom for all.

    We encourage everyone, especially those in the Tampa Bay Area, to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 9:15 am.

    The Online Zoom option is available for both members and nonmembers.

    Zoom Links:

    Video Link

    By Phone: Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656

    Meeting ID# 329 624 3465
    Passcode: metta

    Before attending for the first time, we encourage you to click here for more helpful information.

    We invite everyone, especially newcomers to stay for tea following Sunday Meditation and Dharma Talk on Zoom or in-person.

    • 06 Apr 2025
    • 5:15 PM - 5:45 PM
    • In-Person

    Cancelled this month due to Mahasangha Gathering.

    On the first Sunday of every month, the Naples Sangha welcomes newcomers with a 30-minute introduction to mindfulness and meditation and practices at our Sangha. The meeting is from 5:15 to 5:45 pm at Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Naples FL 34112. Those new to membership or visiting Sunday meditation are welcome to attend.

    Registration is not required.  

    We hope to see you there!

    • 06 Apr 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • In-Person

    Cancelled this month due to Mahasangha Gathering.

    Naples Sangha meets in person every Sunday 6:00-8:00 at Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Naples FL 34112

    We encourage participants to experience the richness of practicing together, in person, following our FCM Health Protocols. These gatherings provide participants the opportunity for sitting and walking meditation, Dharma sharing, and establishing and re-establishing Sangha friendships.

    For more information, contact Brandy at

    Please join us!

    • 07 Apr 2025
    • 28 Apr 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • In-Person and Online

    Begin your day with a calm mind and a clear awareness by joining us for morning meditation, in-person or online (Zoom links below). We begin with a guided meditation to relax and settle in, sitting for 25 minutes. We then do 10 minutes of walking meditation, followed by another 25 minutes of mostly silent meditation. You are welcome to join for all or any part of the hour.

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    Zoom Information - FCM's Sangha line

    Video Link:

    Passcode: if needed, is metta


    • 07 Apr 2025
    • 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM
    • In-Person, Lotus Hall

    Mindful Yoga is a gentle yoga class in which students will be guided through a series of postures which may be seated, reclined, or standing. The class will move at a slow pace, with clear instruction of each posture and the breath. The course aims to empower, draw the attention inward, and develop body awareness. We offer a safe, effective, compassionate, non-competitive environment that is welcoming to all. No prior yoga experience required. Also, flexibility, balance, and strength are outcomes of a yoga practice and not prerequisites to begin.

    We will be meeting in-person at 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604. The Lotus Hall is located in our Education Building. From the parking lot please enter the wooden gate to the left of the main building when facing it, and follow the pavers to the first building in back.

    Students should bring a yoga mat. Suggested donation for the class is $10. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    Evelyn Greenfield graduated from the Florida Institute for integrative yoga studies, in 2002. She is certified as a teacher for back care and scoliosis, is a 500 ERYT, YACEP and has been teaching for over 20 years. Evelyn has two sons, four granddaughters and two dogs.

    Sharen Lock is a certified Yoga Therapist with training in mindfulness-based applications for healthcare. She fell in love with Yoga back in 1987 in England and is dedicated to making it simple and accessible so that anyone can participate. Sharen re-joined the Florida Community of Mindfulness in February, 2024 and looks forward to offering Yoga to the community. 

    • 07 Apr 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • In-Person, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604

    Please join Meditation in Recovery to learn more about incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life. These easy-to-understand practices will help cultivate a rich and rewarding spiritual life to support your recovery practice. People practicing meditation and mindfulness report reduced stress, greater peace, clarity, and happiness. They also sleep better and have an increased ability to concentrate.

    Everyone is welcome, whether or not you belong to a 12-step program or other Recovery Group. Your addictions and cravings may be from substances such as alcohol and drugs or process addictions such as food and eating disorders, shopping, unwholesome use of technology such as social media and gaming, gambling, sex, co-dependency, and many others.  

    The groups will be led by facilitators with a foundation in both meditation and recovery. If you have questions, please contact Eleanor at

    • 08 Apr 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Online (for all)

    Please join Meditation in Recovery to learn more about incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life. These easy-to-understand practices will help cultivate a rich and rewarding spiritual life to support your recovery practice. People practicing meditation and mindfulness report reduced stress, greater peace, clarity, and happiness. They also sleep better and have an increased ability to concentrate.

    Everyone is welcome, whether or not you belong to a 12-step program or other Recovery Group. Your addictions and cravings may be from substances such as alcohol and drugs or process addictions such as food and eating disorders, shopping, unwholesome use of technology such as social media and gaming, gambling, sex, co-dependency, and many others.  

    ZOOMPlease join us online five minutes before the start at 6:30 pm.

    Video Link


    Dial-In #: 1-646-558-8656

    Meeting ID #: 860 7474 0220

    If you have any questions please contact Eleanor at 

    • 09 Apr 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • In-Person

    Want less stress and more energy? If so, please join us for Qigong and Tai Chi with David Braasch.

    We will be meeting every Wednesday at the Florida Community of Mindfulness, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 3360, in the main meditation hall. Please enter the double doors facing Lambright Street, and if possible, arrive a few minutes early between 5:45 - 6:00 pm.

    No registration and no fee, although dana is appreciated. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    David Braasch has been a student of mindfulness and meditation at the Florida Community of Mindfulness since 2015, where he has taught Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation, Buddhism: The Basics, and Mindfulness for Educators. He has been a student of Tai Chi, Aikido, and is a certified Qigong teacher under Holden Qigong of Santa Cruz, CA.

    • 10 Apr 2025
    • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
    • In-Person

    This weekly extended evening meditation is open to all. The evening will consist of two 35-minute sitting meditation periods, with formal walking meditation in-between. These extended meditation periods offer students the opportunity to deepen their practices of mindfulness, concentration and insight. 

    While meditation is occurring our teacher Fred, often offers private interviews in the Center's downstairs Interview Room to FCM members (those who have become Fred’s students) - please visit Membership for more information. Interviews are conducted in the Zen “dokusan" tradition – going alone to visit the teacher. No advance sign-up occurs for interviews; instead, students line up at the back of the meditation hall and the personal interviews unfold, one following the other, as time permits. The length of each interview may range from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the situation. Dokusan pertains to issues that arise in the student's personal meditation practice and their life experiences of integrating the teachings into their daily life, not with intellectual or theoretical matters. 

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


    • 11 Apr 2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • In-Person

    Wake Up Tampa Bay is a mindfulness and meditation group for people 18 to 35. We meet twice a month on Fridays from 7:00pm to 8:30pm to practice meditation as well as to share about our engagement with the practices of mindfulness and Buddhist teachings in our lives. 

    We meet in the Education Building (Lotus Hall) at the FCM Tampa Practice center, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604. 

    Please feel comfortable coming late and leaving early as needed. 

    There is no charge for this event.

    *All Wake Up Tampa Bay events are alcohol, drug, and animal product free. Everyone aged 18 to 35 are welcome, but we ask that all who come do so with a clear mind and an open heart. Please leave cynicism and offensive speech at the door, and if you are intoxicated, we ask that you wait for another time to join us.

    If you have any questions please contact Nicholas Moore-LeFauve at and Gordana Krone at

    • 12 Apr 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • In-Person and Online

    FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


    The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. The theme of this Day of Mindfulness with Fred will be Emotional Healing and Transformation.

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am. Please bring your own vegetarian lunch. Water and tea will be provided.

    If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

    When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

    If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

    • 12 Apr 2025
    • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
    • In-Person and Online

    At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

    It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

    Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


    If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

    Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
    Video Link

    Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
    Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

    • 13 Apr 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • In-Person

    FCM’s Family Program is for children and grandchildren of FCM members and we also welcome visitors. The Family Program is committed to fostering mindfulness, understanding and compassion in the lives of our children and their families by providing a safe and mindful environment with activities inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village tradition.

    Lotus Buds and Dharma Buds (ages 0-14) meet in-person at the Tampa Center from 9:30 am - 11:30 am monthly. Teens (15 and up) do not currently have a separate program but are welcome to join the Sunday Sangha. Please see the FCM calendar for the exact dates of this monthly program.

    Please contact Karuna at if you would like further information.

    • 13 Apr 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • In-Person and Online

    Sunday Morning Meditation and Dharma Talk is offered each Sunday at the Tampa Practice Center, in-person and online via Zoom for all.

    We encourage everyone, especially those in the Tampa Bay Area, to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 9:15 am.

    The Online Zoom option is available for both members and nonmembers.

    Zoom Links:

    Video Link

    By Phone: Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656

    Meeting ID# 329 624 3465
    Passcode: metta

    Before attending for the first time, we encourage you to click here for more helpful information.

    We invite everyone, especially newcomers to stay for tea following Sunday Meditation and Dharma Talk on Zoom or in-person.

    • 13 Apr 2025
    • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • In-Person

    Naples Sangha meets in person every Sunday 6:00-8:00 at Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Naples FL 34112

    We encourage participants to experience the richness of practicing together, in person, following our FCM Health Protocols. These gatherings provide participants the opportunity for sitting and walking meditation, Dharma sharing, and establishing and re-establishing Sangha friendships.

    For more information, contact Brandy at

    Please join us!

    • 14 Apr 2025
    • Online

    With Bryan Hindert and Dharma Instructors


    April 14-May 26
    Registration Deadline:  March 31 (registration will open in early March)
    FCM members who have participated in a prior program (such as Grounding & Nourishing the Mind, Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation, or a Miracle of Mindfulness Retreat) or have otherwise been introduced to the basic practices of mindfulness and meditation and are ready for the next step. (Learn more about becoming a member)

    : Mindful Living Path/Grounding & Nourishing (Learn more about FCM's Three Paths)


    This 6-week program focuses on cultivating mindful awareness of thoughts and emotions, a vital skill for transforming the mind and reducing identification with mental content. Drawing on various teachings and practices from the Buddhist tradition, participants will explore how to observe, understand, and work with the mental processes shaping their experiences.

    This Intensive offers practical tools to transform habitual patterns and deepen mindfulness of the mind, supporting the path of healing, transformation, and liberation.  Participants will engage in Dharma talks, Q&A sessions, mentor-led group check-ins, weekly practice instructions, guided meditations, and assigned readings. These supports will provide direct experience in mindfulness practices and guidance for integrating them into daily life.

    The commitments for this Intensive are listed below. Before registering, please read the commitments and reflect carefully on whether you will be able to keep them.


    • A minimum of 20 minutes of daily formal meditation and/or other practices related to this intensive.
    • Reading and reflecting on the assigned readings.
    • Being Present for the 4 Zoom Dharma Talks with Bryan
    • Participation in 2 bi-weekly Mentoring Group Zoom calls.
    • Recorded Guided Meditations will also be offered as a support for participants to utilize if they find it helpful. 
    • Attending all the practice periods of your Sangha during the Intensive, as possible.

      Specific readings, group assignments, and Zoom instructions will be announced once registration has been completed. 

      The fee for this Intensive is $50. This is a suggested amount and participants are free to offer more or less depending on their individual financial situation - we do not want financial considerations to be a deterrent to participation.

      You may pay on-line or send your check made out to the Florida Community of Mindfulness (FCM) to Florida Community of Mindfulness, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604.
      Registration Procedures 

      Please read the information below before you click to register.


      Mentor Groups 
      When you register, you will also be asked to indicate your preferences  for your bi-weekly Mentor Groups (small groups of 6-8 participants) offered through Zoom. You will be required to score each group as one of the following:

      o   my first choice

      o   my second choice

      o   could do but not preferred

      o   cannot do. 

      If there is more than one group that will work well for you, please mark all these as “my first choice.” This will provide us with added flexibility in making group assignments. Please have your calendar available when you register so that you can complete this part of the registration process accurately. 

      Mentor Group #1: Tuesdays at 7:30-8:30 am: April 22, May 6, & May 20

      Mentor Group #2: Tuesdays at 6:30-7:30 pm: April 22, May 6, & May 20

      Mentor Group #3: Wednesdays at 4:30-5:30 pm: April 23, May 7, & May 21

      Mentor Group #4: Thursdays at 7:30-8:30 am: April 24, May 8, and May 22

      Mentor Group #5: Thursdays at 6:30-7:30 pm: April 24, May 8, and May 22

      Dharma Buddies Assignments

      Participate in FCM Dharma Buddies Program during the Intensive. Each participant will be assigned a Dharma Buddy. You may request a specific buddy but that person must be in this intensive. You will automatically be assigned a buddy unless you contact Evie Haseman at with a specific buddy request or a concern. Both buddies must contact Evie for a specific pairing request. More information about the Dharma Buddies program will be provided soon.

      Contacts for More Information
      If you have any questions about this Intensive program or whether it is appropriate for you, please contact Bryan Hindert at If you have any questions about the logistics of this Intensive, please contact Shelia at

      • 14 Apr 2025
      • 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM
      • In-Person, Lotus Hall

      Mindful Yoga is a gentle yoga class in which students will be guided through a series of postures which may be seated, reclined, or standing. The class will move at a slow pace, with clear instruction of each posture and the breath. The course aims to empower, draw the attention inward, and develop body awareness. We offer a safe, effective, compassionate, non-competitive environment that is welcoming to all. No prior yoga experience required. Also, flexibility, balance, and strength are outcomes of a yoga practice and not prerequisites to begin.

      We will be meeting in-person at 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604. The Lotus Hall is located in our Education Building. From the parking lot please enter the wooden gate to the left of the main building when facing it, and follow the pavers to the first building in back.

      Students should bring a yoga mat. Suggested donation for the class is $10. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

      Evelyn Greenfield graduated from the Florida Institute for integrative yoga studies, in 2002. She is certified as a teacher for back care and scoliosis, is a 500 ERYT, YACEP and has been teaching for over 20 years. Evelyn has two sons, four granddaughters and two dogs.

      Sharen Lock is a certified Yoga Therapist with training in mindfulness-based applications for healthcare. She fell in love with Yoga back in 1987 in England and is dedicated to making it simple and accessible so that anyone can participate. Sharen re-joined the Florida Community of Mindfulness in February, 2024 and looks forward to offering Yoga to the community. 

      • 14 Apr 2025
      • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • In-Person, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604

      Please join Meditation in Recovery to learn more about incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life. These easy-to-understand practices will help cultivate a rich and rewarding spiritual life to support your recovery practice. People practicing meditation and mindfulness report reduced stress, greater peace, clarity, and happiness. They also sleep better and have an increased ability to concentrate.

      Everyone is welcome, whether or not you belong to a 12-step program or other Recovery Group. Your addictions and cravings may be from substances such as alcohol and drugs or process addictions such as food and eating disorders, shopping, unwholesome use of technology such as social media and gaming, gambling, sex, co-dependency, and many others.  

      The groups will be led by facilitators with a foundation in both meditation and recovery. If you have questions, please contact Eleanor at

      • 15 Apr 2025
      • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Online (for all)

      Please join Meditation in Recovery to learn more about incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life. These easy-to-understand practices will help cultivate a rich and rewarding spiritual life to support your recovery practice. People practicing meditation and mindfulness report reduced stress, greater peace, clarity, and happiness. They also sleep better and have an increased ability to concentrate.

      Everyone is welcome, whether or not you belong to a 12-step program or other Recovery Group. Your addictions and cravings may be from substances such as alcohol and drugs or process addictions such as food and eating disorders, shopping, unwholesome use of technology such as social media and gaming, gambling, sex, co-dependency, and many others.  

      ZOOMPlease join us online five minutes before the start at 6:30 pm.

      Video Link


      Dial-In #: 1-646-558-8656

      Meeting ID #: 860 7474 0220

      If you have any questions please contact Eleanor at 

      • 16 Apr 2025
      • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
      • In-Person

      Want less stress and more energy? If so, please join us for Qigong and Tai Chi with David Braasch.

      We will be meeting every Wednesday at the Florida Community of Mindfulness, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 3360, in the main meditation hall. Please enter the double doors facing Lambright Street, and if possible, arrive a few minutes early between 5:45 - 6:00 pm.

      No registration and no fee, although dana is appreciated. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

      David Braasch has been a student of mindfulness and meditation at the Florida Community of Mindfulness since 2015, where he has taught Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation, Buddhism: The Basics, and Mindfulness for Educators. He has been a student of Tai Chi, Aikido, and is a certified Qigong teacher under Holden Qigong of Santa Cruz, CA.

      • 17 Apr 2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
      • In-Person

      This weekly extended evening meditation is open to all. The evening will consist of two 35-minute sitting meditation periods, with formal walking meditation in-between. These extended meditation periods offer students the opportunity to deepen their practices of mindfulness, concentration and insight. 

      While meditation is occurring our teacher Fred, often offers private interviews in the Center's downstairs Interview Room to FCM members (those who have become Fred’s students) - please visit Membership for more information. Interviews are conducted in the Zen “dokusan" tradition – going alone to visit the teacher. No advance sign-up occurs for interviews; instead, students line up at the back of the meditation hall and the personal interviews unfold, one following the other, as time permits. The length of each interview may range from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the situation. Dokusan pertains to issues that arise in the student's personal meditation practice and their life experiences of integrating the teachings into their daily life, not with intellectual or theoretical matters. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


      • 18 Apr 2025
      • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
      • In-Person

      Wake Up Tampa Bay is a mindfulness and meditation group for people 18 to 35. We meet twice a month on Fridays from 7:00pm to 8:30pm to practice meditation as well as to share about our engagement with the practices of mindfulness and Buddhist teachings in our lives. 

      We meet in the Education Building (Lotus Hall) at the FCM Tampa Practice center, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604. 

      Please feel comfortable coming late and leaving early as needed. 

      There is no charge for this event.

      *All Wake Up Tampa Bay events are alcohol, drug, and animal product free. Everyone aged 18 to 35 are welcome, but we ask that all who come do so with a clear mind and an open heart. Please leave cynicism and offensive speech at the door, and if you are intoxicated, we ask that you wait for another time to join us.

      If you have any questions please contact Nicholas Moore-LeFauve at and Gordana Krone at

      • 19 Apr 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      With Fred Eppsteiner


      April 19
      Registration Deadline:  April 17
      Individuals at any stage of practice, from beginner to more experienced, who wish to learn more about the basics of Buddhist psychology. 


      Buddhist meditators have investigated their minds for over 2600 years. Shakyamuni Buddha – the founder of Buddhism – saw clearly how the ways in which people think and behave contribute to their happiness or unhappiness. He also laid out the means by which negative patterns can be undone and positive ones developed. Centuries of experimentation have led to both a sophisticated philosophical and psychological understanding of life and the human mind/emotions, as well as practical and effective therapeutic interventions to produce change.

      In this half day workshop, Fred Eppsteiner will present an overview of Buddhist psychology and the meditative and mindfulness techniques it utilizes to help heal, retrain and transform the individual. He will explore:

      1. How Buddhism is a positive psychology, seeing all beings as intrinsically pure or unmarred, and having the goal of increasing personal happiness
      2. How our misunderstanding the true nature of reality, the mind, and the self is the root of our suffering
      3. How this habitual misunderstanding creates maladaptive life strategies, emotional afflictions and dysfunctional behaviors
      4. How Buddhist teachings and mindfulness practices help us identify and transform problematic habits of body and mind.

      This workshop is open to both members and non-members. Introduction to Buddhist Psychology: Yogacara (Part 2) will build upon these foundations and will be offered on May 24. The workshop will be offered both in person and online.
      Course Instructor
      Fred Eppsteiner has been a student of the psychology of Buddhist meditation for over 50 years and was a psychotherapist for more than 30 years. He has trained extensively in the Buddhist meditative traditions the U.S. and Asia. He received permission to teach from Thich Nhat Hanh in 1994 and is the editor of two books: The Path of Compassion and Interbeing. He is the founding teacher of the Florida Community of Mindfulness.

      This half-day workshop is presented by the Florida Community of Mindfulness at our Practice Center, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave in Tampa. The fee for this workshop is $50 ($60 for Licensed Mental Health Professional CEUs*). A reduced rate of $25 is available for individuals needing financial support.

      Contacts for More Information
      If you have any questions about this Intensive program or whether it is appropriate for you, please e-mail us at or call 813-237-0746.

      * Florida Community of Mindfulness, Inc. is approved by the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling to provide continuing education credits through CE Provider # 50-14766. Total in-class time is 3.5 hours.

      Florida Community of Mindfulness Grievance Procedure - Mail a statement describing your complaint to: Director of Continuing Education, 6501 N. Nebraska Avenue, Tampa, FL 33604.

      • 20 Apr 2025
      • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
      • In-Person and Online

      Sunday Morning Meditation and Dharma Talk is offered each Sunday at the Tampa Practice Center, in-person and online via Zoom for all.

      We encourage everyone, especially those in the Tampa Bay Area, to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 9:15 am.

      The Online Zoom option is available for both members and nonmembers.

      Zoom Links:

      Video Link

      By Phone: Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656

      Meeting ID# 329 624 3465
      Passcode: metta

      Before attending for the first time, we encourage you to click here for more helpful information.

      We invite everyone, especially newcomers to stay for tea following Sunday Meditation and Dharma Talk on Zoom or in-person.

      • 20 Apr 2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • In-Person

      Naples Sangha meets in person every Sunday 6:00-8:00 at Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Naples FL 34112

      We encourage participants to experience the richness of practicing together, in person, following our FCM Health Protocols. These gatherings provide participants the opportunity for sitting and walking meditation, Dharma sharing, and establishing and re-establishing Sangha friendships.

      For more information, contact Brandy at

      Please join us!

      • 21 Apr 2025
      • 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM
      • In-Person, Lotus Hall

      Mindful Yoga is a gentle yoga class in which students will be guided through a series of postures which may be seated, reclined, or standing. The class will move at a slow pace, with clear instruction of each posture and the breath. The course aims to empower, draw the attention inward, and develop body awareness. We offer a safe, effective, compassionate, non-competitive environment that is welcoming to all. No prior yoga experience required. Also, flexibility, balance, and strength are outcomes of a yoga practice and not prerequisites to begin.

      We will be meeting in-person at 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604. The Lotus Hall is located in our Education Building. From the parking lot please enter the wooden gate to the left of the main building when facing it, and follow the pavers to the first building in back.

      Students should bring a yoga mat. Suggested donation for the class is $10. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

      Evelyn Greenfield graduated from the Florida Institute for integrative yoga studies, in 2002. She is certified as a teacher for back care and scoliosis, is a 500 ERYT, YACEP and has been teaching for over 20 years. Evelyn has two sons, four granddaughters and two dogs.

      Sharen Lock is a certified Yoga Therapist with training in mindfulness-based applications for healthcare. She fell in love with Yoga back in 1987 in England and is dedicated to making it simple and accessible so that anyone can participate. Sharen re-joined the Florida Community of Mindfulness in February, 2024 and looks forward to offering Yoga to the community. 

      • 21 Apr 2025
      • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • In-Person, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604

      Please join Meditation in Recovery to learn more about incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life. These easy-to-understand practices will help cultivate a rich and rewarding spiritual life to support your recovery practice. People practicing meditation and mindfulness report reduced stress, greater peace, clarity, and happiness. They also sleep better and have an increased ability to concentrate.

      Everyone is welcome, whether or not you belong to a 12-step program or other Recovery Group. Your addictions and cravings may be from substances such as alcohol and drugs or process addictions such as food and eating disorders, shopping, unwholesome use of technology such as social media and gaming, gambling, sex, co-dependency, and many others.  

      The groups will be led by facilitators with a foundation in both meditation and recovery. If you have questions, please contact Eleanor at

      • 22 Apr 2025
      • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Online (for all)

      Please join Meditation in Recovery to learn more about incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life. These easy-to-understand practices will help cultivate a rich and rewarding spiritual life to support your recovery practice. People practicing meditation and mindfulness report reduced stress, greater peace, clarity, and happiness. They also sleep better and have an increased ability to concentrate.

      Everyone is welcome, whether or not you belong to a 12-step program or other Recovery Group. Your addictions and cravings may be from substances such as alcohol and drugs or process addictions such as food and eating disorders, shopping, unwholesome use of technology such as social media and gaming, gambling, sex, co-dependency, and many others.  

      ZOOMPlease join us online five minutes before the start at 6:30 pm.

      Video Link


      Dial-In #: 1-646-558-8656

      Meeting ID #: 860 7474 0220

      If you have any questions please contact Eleanor at 

      • 23 Apr 2025
      • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
      • In-Person

      Want less stress and more energy? If so, please join us for Qigong and Tai Chi with David Braasch.

      We will be meeting every Wednesday at the Florida Community of Mindfulness, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 3360, in the main meditation hall. Please enter the double doors facing Lambright Street, and if possible, arrive a few minutes early between 5:45 - 6:00 pm.

      No registration and no fee, although dana is appreciated. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

      David Braasch has been a student of mindfulness and meditation at the Florida Community of Mindfulness since 2015, where he has taught Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation, Buddhism: The Basics, and Mindfulness for Educators. He has been a student of Tai Chi, Aikido, and is a certified Qigong teacher under Holden Qigong of Santa Cruz, CA.

      • 24 Apr 2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
      • In-Person

      This weekly extended evening meditation is open to all. The evening will consist of two 35-minute sitting meditation periods, with formal walking meditation in-between. These extended meditation periods offer students the opportunity to deepen their practices of mindfulness, concentration and insight. 

      While meditation is occurring our teacher Fred, often offers private interviews in the Center's downstairs Interview Room to FCM members (those who have become Fred’s students) - please visit Membership for more information. Interviews are conducted in the Zen “dokusan" tradition – going alone to visit the teacher. No advance sign-up occurs for interviews; instead, students line up at the back of the meditation hall and the personal interviews unfold, one following the other, as time permits. The length of each interview may range from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the situation. Dokusan pertains to issues that arise in the student's personal meditation practice and their life experiences of integrating the teachings into their daily life, not with intellectual or theoretical matters. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


      • 26 Apr 2025
      • 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
      • In-Person

      Members and non-members are invited to join the FCM community in selfless service and work meditation Saturday, April 26 by participating in this Saturday's workday!

      We will begin the day together meeting under the pergola located between the Education Building and Great Cloud in preparation for our mindful work, with an orientation by work day leaders. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks in need of our joyful attention. Please wear old clothes, sturdy closed-toe shoes and bring work gloves if you have them. Snacks and water will be provided.

      We encourage everyone to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person on our campus. Our safety protocols are based on CDC recommendations. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

      With metta,


      • 27 Apr 2025
      • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
      • In-Person and Online

      Sunday Morning Meditation and Dharma Talk is offered each Sunday at the Tampa Practice Center, in-person and online via Zoom for all.

      We encourage everyone, especially those in the Tampa Bay Area, to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 9:15 am.

      The Online Zoom option is available for both members and nonmembers.

      Zoom Links:

      Video Link

      By Phone: Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656

      Meeting ID# 329 624 3465
      Passcode: metta

      Before attending for the first time, we encourage you to click here for more helpful information.

      We invite everyone, especially newcomers to stay for tea following Sunday Meditation and Dharma Talk on Zoom or in-person.

      • 27 Apr 2025
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • In-Person

      Naples Sangha meets in person every Sunday 6:00-8:00 at Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Naples FL 34112

      We encourage participants to experience the richness of practicing together, in person, following our FCM Health Protocols. These gatherings provide participants the opportunity for sitting and walking meditation, Dharma sharing, and establishing and re-establishing Sangha friendships.

      For more information, contact Brandy at

      Please join us!

      • 28 Apr 2025
      • 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM
      • In-Person, Lotus Hall

      Mindful Yoga is a gentle yoga class in which students will be guided through a series of postures which may be seated, reclined, or standing. The class will move at a slow pace, with clear instruction of each posture and the breath. The course aims to empower, draw the attention inward, and develop body awareness. We offer a safe, effective, compassionate, non-competitive environment that is welcoming to all. No prior yoga experience required. Also, flexibility, balance, and strength are outcomes of a yoga practice and not prerequisites to begin.

      We will be meeting in-person at 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604. The Lotus Hall is located in our Education Building. From the parking lot please enter the wooden gate to the left of the main building when facing it, and follow the pavers to the first building in back.

      Students should bring a yoga mat. Suggested donation for the class is $10. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

      Evelyn Greenfield graduated from the Florida Institute for integrative yoga studies, in 2002. She is certified as a teacher for back care and scoliosis, is a 500 ERYT, YACEP and has been teaching for over 20 years. Evelyn has two sons, four granddaughters and two dogs.

      Sharen Lock is a certified Yoga Therapist with training in mindfulness-based applications for healthcare. She fell in love with Yoga back in 1987 in England and is dedicated to making it simple and accessible so that anyone can participate. Sharen re-joined the Florida Community of Mindfulness in February, 2024 and looks forward to offering Yoga to the community. 

      • 28 Apr 2025
      • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • In-Person, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33604

      Please join Meditation in Recovery to learn more about incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life. These easy-to-understand practices will help cultivate a rich and rewarding spiritual life to support your recovery practice. People practicing meditation and mindfulness report reduced stress, greater peace, clarity, and happiness. They also sleep better and have an increased ability to concentrate.

      Everyone is welcome, whether or not you belong to a 12-step program or other Recovery Group. Your addictions and cravings may be from substances such as alcohol and drugs or process addictions such as food and eating disorders, shopping, unwholesome use of technology such as social media and gaming, gambling, sex, co-dependency, and many others.  

      The groups will be led by facilitators with a foundation in both meditation and recovery. If you have questions, please contact Eleanor at

      • 29 Apr 2025
      • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Online (for all)

      Please join Meditation in Recovery to learn more about incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life. These easy-to-understand practices will help cultivate a rich and rewarding spiritual life to support your recovery practice. People practicing meditation and mindfulness report reduced stress, greater peace, clarity, and happiness. They also sleep better and have an increased ability to concentrate.

      Everyone is welcome, whether or not you belong to a 12-step program or other Recovery Group. Your addictions and cravings may be from substances such as alcohol and drugs or process addictions such as food and eating disorders, shopping, unwholesome use of technology such as social media and gaming, gambling, sex, co-dependency, and many others.  

      ZOOMPlease join us online five minutes before the start at 6:30 pm.

      Video Link


      Dial-In #: 1-646-558-8656

      Meeting ID #: 860 7474 0220

      If you have any questions please contact Eleanor at 

      • 30 Apr 2025
      • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
      • In-Person

      Want less stress and more energy? If so, please join us for Qigong and Tai Chi with David Braasch.

      We will be meeting every Wednesday at the Florida Community of Mindfulness, 6501 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 3360, in the main meditation hall. Please enter the double doors facing Lambright Street, and if possible, arrive a few minutes early between 5:45 - 6:00 pm.

      No registration and no fee, although dana is appreciated. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

      David Braasch has been a student of mindfulness and meditation at the Florida Community of Mindfulness since 2015, where he has taught Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation, Buddhism: The Basics, and Mindfulness for Educators. He has been a student of Tai Chi, Aikido, and is a certified Qigong teacher under Holden Qigong of Santa Cruz, CA.

      • 07 May 2025
      • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • In-Person

      with Bill MacMillen and Dani Hall

      Do you live in your thoughts about the past or worries about the future? Do your emotions often cause stress and confusion? Do you get carried away by dramas.

      Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is a four-week course designed to support the practice of mindfulness, helping us develop the skills and attention to be fully present to our lives in the present moment, and to touch each moment deeply. It is intended for those new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as for those who want to review the basics and establish a more consistent daily mindfulness and meditation practice. The course includes basic instruction as well as an exploration of practical ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities.

      Learning Objectives:

      • Systematically explore mindfulness of breathing, the body and physical sensations through sitting and walking meditation and the body scan practice.
      • Establish and maintain a daily meditation practice.
      • Practice mindful meditation to explore the emotions, thoughts, and overall awareness.
      • Apply mindfulness to difficult emotions and thoughts to avoid getting caught up in dramas.
      • Cultivate daily meditation and mindfulness practices so that mindfulness becomes an integral part of your daily life.

      This four-week course will begin on Wednesday, May 7, 14, 21 & 28 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Classes will be held in-person. The cost is $75 for all four sessions. If you have questions, please contact us at

      Bill Mac Millen has been a practitioner with the Florida Community of Mindfulness and a student of FCM's teacher Fred Eppsteiner since 2013. Aspiring to be of service to the community, he is on the Leadership Council overseeing the area of Center Care, a member of Thich Nhat Hahn's Order of Interbeing (OI), and assists in leading a number of FCM offerings to both members and guests.

      Dani Hall joined the Florida Community of Mindfulness in 2019 and embraced the Five Mindfulness Trainings in 2021. As an Order of Interbeing (OI) aspirant and Selfless Service Coordinator, Dani actively integrates mindfulness into daily life. With passions for regenerative gardening, creating Florida native wildlife habitats, and developing food forests, Dani embodies a deep commitment to spiritual growth, environmental stewardship, and mindful living.  

      • 10 May 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


      The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am.

      If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

      When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

      If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

      • 12 May 2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

      It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

      Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


      If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

      Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
      Video Link

      Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
      Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

      • 17 May 2025
      • 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
      • In-Person

      Members and non-members are invited to join the FCM community in selfless service and work meditation Saturday, May 17 by participating in this Saturday's workday!

      We will begin the day together meeting under the pergola located between the Education Building and Great Cloud in preparation for our mindful work, with an orientation by work day leaders. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks in need of our joyful attention. Please wear old clothes, sturdy closed-toe shoes and bring work gloves if you have them. Snacks and water will be provided.

      We encourage everyone to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person on our campus. Our safety protocols are based on CDC recommendations. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

      With metta,


      • 18 May 2025
      • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
      • In-Person

      FCM’s Family Program is for children and grandchildren of FCM members and we also welcome visitors. The Family Program is committed to fostering mindfulness, understanding and compassion in the lives of our children and their families by providing a safe and mindful environment with activities inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village tradition.

      Lotus Buds and Dharma Buds (ages 0-14) meet in-person at the Tampa Center from 9:30 am - 11:30 am monthly. Teens (15 and up) do not currently have a separate program but are welcome to join the Sunday Sangha. Please see the FCM calendar for the exact dates of this monthly program.

      Please contact Karuna at if you would like further information.

      • 24 May 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
      • Tampa Center and Online

      Save the date

      • 31 May 2025
      • 5:00 PM
      • 07 Jun 2025
      • 1:00 PM
      • In-Person Only

      With Fred Eppsteiner


      May 31 - June 7
      Registration Deadline:  May 2
      This is a Wisdom Path Retreat and is appropriate for those FCM members who have previously participated in a Wisdom Path Intensive or retreat, or for those who are walking the Dharma Path and feel ready for a deeper exploration of their mind through meditation and guided reflection. If you have any questions about whether this retreat would be suitable for you, please contact Fred directly (

      Please note that registration does not confirm acceptance into the retreat. Shortly after the registration deadline (May 2), Fred will review applications and make final decisions as to acceptance. Notifications will be made by May 5.  


      From the time of the Buddha, awakened teachers have pointed out that our thinking mind is merely a functional capacity of our innate, original natural mind. Mistakenly identifying with and attaching to our small and conceptually constructed mind – or ‘self’ – we are never able to experience the utter simplicity and spontaneous wisdom that is our true birthright. Instead, we live in a self-created reality that constantly prevents us from experiencing clarity and deep contentment in our life.

      Drawing his over 50 years of meditative practice in the Chan/Zen and Great Perfection (Dzogchen) traditions and 30 years of leading retreats, Fred will cull his history to offer retreatants those direct (pith) practices/teachings from these varied wisdom traditions that he has found most inspiring and effective over the years.

      This retreat will focus on facilitating participants’ meditative experience of their original and natural mind and show how to integrate this understanding into the circumstances of daily life. Directly experiencing the mind as it is and all the things that appear in it (especially the self!) as empty of any substance or solidity allows one to break through into the totally open and spacious mind nature. This is the basis of true transformation.

      Retreat Leader
      Fred Eppsteiner has been a student of the psychology of Buddhist meditation for over 50 years and was a psychotherapist for more than 30 years. He has trained extensively in the Buddhist meditative traditions the U.S. and Asia. He received permission to teach from Thich Nhat Hanh in 1994 and is the editor of two books: The Path of Compassion and Interbeing. He is the founding teacher of the Florida Community of Mindfulness.

      The fee for in-person participation is $630 for overnighters and $490 for commuters. A $50 fee is required to register, with the balance due for those accepted by May 9th. The $50 registration fee will be fully refunded to those not admitted to the retreat.

      Retreat Logistics

      This retreat is in-person only (either staying overnight or as a commuter) participation at FCM’s Tampa Center. The retreat will begin with orientation at 5:00 pm on Friday, May 31 and ends after lunch on Sunday at 1:00 pm, June 7. Participation is open to both FCM members and non-members.

      If you are not familiar with our campus, you may enjoy this short video tour.

      Please note: 

      • The deadline for application for this retreat is May 2. Please understand that this application DOES NOT guarantee you a spot in the retreat; all acceptances are subject to approval. 
      • We will notify all applicants by May 5 as to whether or not they have been accepted into the retreat. 
      • For those accepted, the fee will then be due by May 9, otherwise the spot will be given to another applicant.
      • Please click here to read FCM's Retreat Cancellation Policy.

      Retreat Scholarships are available; please click here to see FCM’s Retreat Scholarship Policy and for an Application, which needs to be submitted prior to the registration deadline for this retreat.

      New to retreating with FCM? Please visit our FAQs page.

      The teachings are offered in the Buddhist tradition of Dana, wherein the teachers freely give of themselves to the students out of gratitude for what they’ve received from their teachers and a desire to be of service. The student’s response is also based on Dana, i.e. generosity that naturally flows from a sense of appreciation of the value of Dharma and gratitude to the living lineage. All retreat dana will go towards supporting the retreat teachers.

      The retreat registrar will be sending additional information to accepted registrants once registration is closed. 

      Please contact Rita at for any logistical questions.

      • 11 Jun 2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

      It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

      Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


      If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

      Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
      Video Link

      Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
      Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

      • 14 Jun 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


      The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am.

      If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

      When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

      If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

      • 07 Jul 2025
      • 9:00 AM
      • Tampa Center and Online

      Save the date. This 8-week Intensive will begin July 7 and end August 29. 

      • 07 Jul 2025
      • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • In-Person

      with David Braasch and Dion Hall

      Do you live in your thoughts about the past or worries about the future? Do your emotions often cause stress and confusion? Do you get carried away by dramas.

      Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is a four-week course designed to support the practice of mindfulness, helping us develop the skills and attention to be fully present to our lives in the present moment, and to touch each moment deeply. It is intended for those new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as for those who want to review the basics and establish a more consistent daily mindfulness and meditation practice. The course includes basic instruction as well as an exploration of practical ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities.

      Learning Objectives:

      • Systematically explore mindfulness of breathing, the body and physical sensations through sitting and walking meditation and the body scan practice.
      • Establish and maintain a daily meditation practice.
      • Practice mindful meditation to explore the emotions, thoughts, and overall awareness.
      • Apply mindfulness to difficult emotions and thoughts to avoid getting caught up in dramas.
      • Cultivate daily meditation and mindfulness practices so that mindfulness becomes an integral part of your daily life.

      This four-week course will begin on Wednesday, July 7, 14, 21 & 28 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Classes will be held in-person. The cost is $75 for all four sessions. If you have questions, please contact us at

      Class Instructors

      David Braasch has been a student of mindfulness and meditation at the Florida Community of Mindfulness since 2015, where he has taught Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation, Buddhism: The Basics, and Mindfulness for Educators. He has been a student of Tai Chi, Aikido, and is a certified Qigong teacher under Holden Qigong of Santa Cruz, CA.

      Dion Hall began his journey in Buddhism around 2009 with the Shambhala Meditation Center of Boston, attending the center for about two years. He then went on to practice and study independently for several years. In 2021 with a strong desire to be part of a Sangha he joined FCM. He is active with FCM retreat and intensive offerings. Dion is also an avid student of Buddhism and Vedic philosophy. He received transmission of the Five mindfulness trainings and became an OI aspirant in 2023. In December 2024 concluding The Way of the Bodhisattva intensive Dion received ordination and committed to Bodhisattva vows. 

      • 10 Jul 2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

      It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

      Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


      If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

      Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
      Video Link

      Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
      Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

      • 11 Jul 2025
      • 5:00 PM
      • 13 Jul 2025
      • 4:00 PM
      • FCM Center, Tampa, FL

      with Angie Parrish, Bryan Hindert and Sharen Lock (Save the date)


      Beneath our often distracted and sometimes agitated minds, there is a natural and peaceful presence that is always available to us. In this meditation and yoga retreat, the instructors will introduce teachings and practices that will help us relax the body and mind, see through our distractions, and reclaim the presence that we are.

      This retreat is appropriate for practitioners of all levels.

      • 19 Jul 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


      The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. The theme of this Day of Mindfulness with Fred will be Emotional Healing and Transformation.

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am. Please bring your own vegetarian lunch. Water and tea will be provided.

      If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

      When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

      If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

      • 26 Jul 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
      • Tampa Center and Online

      Save the date

      • 05 Aug 2025
      • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Tampa Center and Online

      Save the date

      • 09 Aug 2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

      It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

      Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


      If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

      Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
      Video Link

      Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
      Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

      • 16 Aug 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


      The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am.

      If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

      When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

      If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

      • 06 Sep 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
      • Tampa Center and Online

      Save the date

      • 07 Sep 2025
      • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
      • In-Person

      with Bill MacMillen

      Do you live in your thoughts about the past or worries about the future? Do your emotions often cause stress and confusion? Do you get carried away by dramas.

      Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is a four-week course designed to support the practice of mindfulness, helping us develop the skills and attention to be fully present to our lives in the present moment, and to touch each moment deeply. It is intended for those new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as for those who want to review the basics and establish a more consistent daily mindfulness and meditation practice. The course includes basic instruction as well as an exploration of practical ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities.

      Learning Objectives:

      • Systematically explore mindfulness of breathing, the body and physical sensations through sitting and walking meditation and the body scan practice.
      • Establish and maintain a daily meditation practice.
      • Practice mindful meditation to explore the emotions, thoughts, and overall awareness.
      • Apply mindfulness to difficult emotions and thoughts to avoid getting caught up in dramas.
      • Cultivate daily meditation and mindfulness practices so that mindfulness becomes an integral part of your daily life.

      This four-week course will begin on Sunday, September 7, 14, 21 & 28 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Classes will be held in-person. The cost is $75 for all four sessions. If you have questions, please contact us at

      Bill Mac Millen has been a practitioner with the Florida Community of Mindfulness and a student of FCM's teacher Fred Eppsteiner since 2013. Aspiring to be of service to the community, he is on the Leadership Council overseeing the area of Center Care, a member of Thich Nhat Hahn's Order of Interbeing (OI), and assists in leading a number of FCM offerings to both members and guests.

      • 07 Sep 2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

      It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

      Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


      If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

      Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
      Video Link

      Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
      Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

      • 13 Sep 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


      The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am.

      If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

      When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

      If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

      • 25 Sep 2025
      • 5:00 PM
      • 28 Sep 2025
      • 4:00 PM
      • FCM Center, Tampa FL

      Save the Date

      • 04 Oct 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
      • Tampa Center and Online

      Save the date

      • 06 Oct 2025
      • 9:00 AM
      • Tampa Center and Online

      Save the date. This 10-week Intensive will begin October 6 and end December 15. 

      • 06 Oct 2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

      It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

      Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


      If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

      Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
      Video Link

      Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
      Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

      • 11 Oct 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


      The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am.

      If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

      When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

      If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

      • 14 Oct 2025
      • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • Tampa Center and Online

      Save the date

      • 23 Oct 2025
      • 5:00 PM
      • 26 Oct 2025
      • 1:00 PM
      • FCM Center, Tampa, FL

      with Fred Eppsteiner (Save the date)


      Join Fred for this four day exploration of how to become free from this "self" that seems to hold so much sway over our lives.

      This retreat is appropriate for practitioners who have a regular meditation practice and have cultivated a stable mind through participation in FCM's Mindful Living Path programs or equivalent courses.

      • 29 Oct 2025
      • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • In-Person

      with John McHarris

      Do you live in your thoughts about the past or worries about the future? Do your emotions often cause stress and confusion? Do you get carried away by dramas.

      Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is a four-week course designed to support the practice of mindfulness, helping us develop the skills and attention to be fully present to our lives in the present moment, and to touch each moment deeply. It is intended for those new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as for those who want to review the basics and establish a more consistent daily mindfulness and meditation practice. The course includes basic instruction as well as an exploration of practical ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities.

      Learning Objectives:

      • Systematically explore mindfulness of breathing, the body and physical sensations through sitting and walking meditation and the body scan practice.
      • Establish and maintain a daily meditation practice.
      • Practice mindful meditation to explore the emotions, thoughts, and overall awareness.
      • Apply mindfulness to difficult emotions and thoughts to avoid getting caught up in dramas.
      • Cultivate daily meditation and mindfulness practices so that mindfulness becomes an integral part of your daily life.

      This four-week course will begin on Wednesday, October 29 and November 5, 12, & 19 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Classes will be held in-person. The cost is $75 for all four sessions. If you have questions, please contact us at

      John McHarris is a Dharma Instructor with the Florida Community of Mindfulness. He has been a student of FCM's teacher Fred Eppsteiner since 2011. John completed FCM's three year Dharma Transmission Group program, and is an ordained member of the Order of Interbeing. He has Co-led various FCM offerings such as the Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation class, FCM Intensives, and Days of Mindfulness. John is the current Chair of FCM's Board of Directors. Although based in Naples, he's also a part-time Tampa resident; in conjunction with FCM's Residency program.

      • 05 Nov 2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

      It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

      Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


      If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

      Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
      Video Link

      Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
      Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

      • 08 Nov 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


      The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. The theme of this Day of Mindfulness with Fred will be Emotional Healing and Transformation.

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am. Please bring your own vegetarian lunch. Water and tea will be provided.

      If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

      When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

      If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

      • 14 Nov 2025
      • 5:00 PM
      • 16 Nov 2025
      • 4:00 PM
      • In-Person Only

      with Bill MacMillen and John McHarris (Save the date)

      In our modern world, we have countless ways to stay busy, informed, entertained, and otherwise distracted from the moment we wake up until we go to bed at night. We can easily spend our entire day completely disconnected from our actual experience and unaware of what thoughts and mind-states we are cultivating throughout our busy days. If we do have a moment to stop, we may find that we feel uneasy, agitated, bored, anxious, stressed, in despair, or otherwise uncomfortable in our bodies and our minds. 

      Fortunately, as so many people throughout the world are discovering, there is another way. Through what the beloved Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh called, “The Miracle of Mindfulness,” we can learn how to be at ease in the present moment. We can learn to use our minds in a way that nourishes our well-being and helps us to feel whole again. Through cultivating mindfulness of the body, breath, and mind, we can learn to develop peace within ourselves and to enjoy the simple experience of being alive.  

      In this two-day Introductory Retreat, participants will learn mindfulness and meditation practices that calm and nourish the body and mind. There will be both formal instruction as well as “off-the-cushion” practice in areas such as walking, eating, mindful movements and work meditation. There will be periods of Q&A and deep sharing within a setting that is mostly silent, offering participants the opportunity to retreat from digital devices and other distractions that so often clutter our minds and cover the natural spaciousness that lies beneath the “noise.”

      • 22 Nov 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
      • Tampa Center and Online

      Save the date

      • 04 Dec 2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

      It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

      Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


      If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

      Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
      Video Link

      Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
      Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

      • 06 Dec 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
      • In-Person and Online

      FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


      The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. 

      We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am.

      If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

      When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

      If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

    Florida Community of Mindfulness, Tampa Center
    6501 N. Nebraska Avenue
    Tampa, FL 33604

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