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Extended Meditation

  • 17 Apr 2025
  • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
  • In-Person


This weekly extended evening meditation is open to all. The evening will consist of two 35-minute sitting meditation periods, with formal walking meditation in-between. These extended meditation periods offer students the opportunity to deepen their practices of mindfulness, concentration and insight. 

While meditation is occurring our teacher Fred, often offers private interviews in the Center's downstairs Interview Room to FCM members (those who have become Fred’s students) - please visit Membership for more information. Interviews are conducted in the Zen “dokusan" tradition – going alone to visit the teacher. No advance sign-up occurs for interviews; instead, students line up at the back of the meditation hall and the personal interviews unfold, one following the other, as time permits. The length of each interview may range from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the situation. Dokusan pertains to issues that arise in the student's personal meditation practice and their life experiences of integrating the teachings into their daily life, not with intellectual or theoretical matters. 

We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


Florida Community of Mindfulness, Tampa Center
6501 N. Nebraska Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604

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